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Dan Lynch

Dedication, Timing & Teamwork

It's no secret that dedication, timing, and teamwork are important elements to success in any business. Dedication to your core mission, without allowing yourself to get distracted by unexpected setbacks or priorities chosen by your competitors. Timing the delivery of your products or services to coincide with, and even anticipate when possible, the needs of your customers and prospects. Teamwork, the critical component of fully leveraging the efforts from each and every member of your team, each member relying upon another, trusting and knowing they will do precisely what is needed at just the right moment.

Much like the centuries-old sport of rowing, challenges you may face within your organization, large or small, are sure to require dedication, timing, teamwork, and much more. Let's work together to understand those challenges, then develop a plan of action for how to best address each one.

Dan Lynch

The content within the pages of this site are just one way to help introduce you to the range of skills I can bring to your organization or project. The site is here for your convenience, but don't hesitate to contact me if you'd prefer to schedule a call or meeting.

In case you were curious, that's not just some random stock rowing photo from an online image collection. That's the Columbia Rowing Club Masters Men's 8+ chasing down a medal at a 2018 regatta. Dan was just one member of the crew that day (3-seat, starboard), always reminded it's rarely about individual effort that leads to success, but most often how you perform as a member of a team.

Account Management
Award Winning Author
Business Development
Catalog Direct Response
Community Relations
Contract Negotiation & 

Customer Experience
Digital Marketing
Direct-to-Consumer Marketing
Internet Marketing
Keynote Speaker
Multi-Channel Marketing
Product Management
Product Marketing
Public Speaking
Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine Marketing
Strategic Alliances
Dan Lynch
Connecticut U.S.A.  |
Dan Lynch
Copyright © 2003 — 2021 by Daniel M. Lynch.   All Rights Reserved.