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Strategic Alliances

Stratigic Alliances can and should be an important part of every organization and are not something just reserved for the Fortune 500. Even if you are a relatively small business or nonprofit organization, you should find ways to align yourself with the right partners, suppliers, distributors and others to extend the capabilities of your own organization. Too many times, I've seen organizations and even local and state governments put projects out to bid and quickly select the lowest cost alternative, failing to realize that in some cases, this practice can COST you money over time. A more sound approach you might consider is to carefully vet and then select a partner you can work with to build a true strategic alliance over time — one that can then stand the test of time based on your combined efforts.

Strategic Alliances

During my career, I've been fortunate to work with some of the most recognized brands in the world, structuring, maintaining, and managing strategic alliances. Nearly a full decade of my work in the technology sector involved directing the strategic alliances of my employers with Microsoft at the highest levels of the company. I put that same experience to work for the worlds leading commercial genealogy provider, as their Vice President of Business Development from 1998 — 2001.

Simply put, if you are looking to establish strategic alliances or need help in this area, I am confident that my experience in this area is among my overall strengths. This is especially true in the genealogy and family history space. Please consider contacting me today for a free initial discussion.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to speaking or meeting with you.

Strategic Alliances
Dan Lynch
Connecticut U.S.A.  |
Dan Lynch
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