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Dan Lynch

Nonprofit | Not-for-Profit

For those working in the nonprofit sector, it is no surprise that you need to be even more sensitive to measuring the peformance of every program than perhaps others. When you are reliant on grants, donations, and volunteers from the community to execute on your annual plans, it places a greater sense of responsibility on your shoulders to make sure you maximize every dollar spent. Nonprofit organizations, from established and recognized brands to smaller nonprofits in their start-up phase, can often leverage a host of digital marketing techniques to establish a base-level of awareness among their target customer, prospect, and donor base.

Nonprofit | Not-for-Profit

There are an increasing number of organizations in the United States with the 501(c)(3) designation for contributions to nonprofits, making the competition for share of mind, financial contributions, and volunteer participation more challenging than ever. This should not be discouraging, however, as there are a host of creative ways to engage with your base through community relations, well-written grant proposals, and even the viral nature of social media to help spread the word of your nonprofit mission within the community.

I welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your goals and how my nonprofit and for-profit business experience may be able to help.

Nonprofit | Not-for-Profit
Dan Lynch
Connecticut U.S.A.  |
Dan Lynch
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