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Grant Writing

Grant writing is a very specialized skill, separate and distinct from other types writing. Typically, the objective of writing a grant proposal is communicate facts and plans relating to your organization or project, with the ultimate goal of securing financial support from the proposal recipient. Creating a well structured and organized proposal, with relevant supporting facts and sufficient background are part of the job when grant writing.

Many, if not most nonprofit organizations rely on funds received through grants, either private or public. Some proactive organizations in the family history sector routinely contract for grant writing services seeking local, state or even federal funds relating to history or historic preservation of local records or sites.

Grant Writing

Before beginning the grant writing process, it is important that you have a clear, measurable, and targeted goal in mind. While there are certainly rare occasions when your organization might get lucky, most proposals are reviewed by committee who are reluctant to reward anyone with financial support if they haven't made a genuine effort consistent with the support they are asking for. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you draft your proposal. If you are seeking a $100 grant to compensate a speaker for an upcoming event, a simple one page letter may be sufficient. If, on the other hand, you are seeking substantial funds for capital improvements, expansion or some other major initiative, then you'll want to invest time and effort in grant writing expertise.

I've had success in grant writing, as well as writing business proposals, for more than three decades. If you have a project where my experience may be of help, I hope you will consider contacting me for a free initial consultation.

Grant Writing
Dan Lynch
Connecticut U.S.A.  |
Dan Lynch
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