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Catalog Direct Response

Catalog direct response marketing is just one method of direct-to-consumer marketing that can be used to present a broad assortment of products to your target customers and prospects. While the overall cost to design, produce, and mail a professional-looking catalog can be prohibitive for some, careful list selection and targeted offers can help lift response rates to profitable levels. Careful consideration to product selection, merchandising, and pricing must all be given before you begin the actual design and production phase for your printed catalog. Additional planning will be needed to ensure the offers in your catalog are consistent with those on your website or social platforms. We are competing in a multi-channel-marketing world, consumers and business customers alike turning to a wide variety of print, online, video, retail, and other channels to obtain product information and source products.

Catalog Direct Response

Having spent nearly eight years of my career working in the catalog direct response sector, I've learned many lessons about what to do and, more importantly, what not to do. While at computer catalog reseller Micro Warehouse, we were profitably mailing well in excess of one million catalogs each month, often with variations on covers targeted to specific list segments. It's an exciting business and careful tracking of response rates, average order value, and other metrics allowed us to project with a reasonable degree of certainty what to expect month-after-month.

Let's discuss your interest in catalog direct response as a potential part of your overall marketing plan. If catalogs makes sense given your offerings, customers, and market segments, we can surely formulate a plan that works. Please contact me today for a more in-depth discussion.

Catalog Direct Response
Dan Lynch
Connecticut U.S.A.  |
Dan Lynch
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