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Multi-Channel Marketing

For most products, services, events or destinations, employing an intelligent and carefully coordinated multi-channel marketing and sales approach is your best chance for overall success. This is especially true if you are in a hotly competitive segment with many competitive offerings that are similar to one another. Through a carefully coordinated multi-channel marketing and sales strategy, you can be sure your message in print, on-air, and online all complement one another and reinforce the overall brand message you are trying to convey.


For both the direct-to-consumer (DTC) and business-to-business (B2B) segments, planning a multi-channel marketing and sales strategy is no longer an option. It is likely that your competitors are promoting their brand and connecting with customers through traditional print advertising, direct mail / direct response, direct response television or other video, and through a variety of digital marketing alternatives. Can you afford to be absent from any one of these channels? If the answer is no, then you need to have a carefully coordinated multi-channel marketing approach and I can help.

You can learn about my background on this site, but I'd be pleased to speak with you or meet in person at your convenience to discuss things further.

Multi-Channel Marketing
Dan Lynch
Connecticut U.S.A.  |
Dan Lynch
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