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Dan Lynch
Dan Lynch

Public Speaking

For some people, the mere mention of the terms 'public speaking' can create a sense of fear, but I've found through experience that when you truly know the subject matter for your presentation, there is no reason for nerves to get in the way of your delivery. Also helpful is having an understanding of the audience before the start of the session, even if you have to ask a few preliminary questions by show of hand. This always allows me to tailor my message to the level of the audience.

When engaged in public speaking, it's important to be both knowledgeable and approachable. Honesty is also paramount. If someone in the audience asks a question and you find you're unsure of the answer, let them know that, rather than try to fake an answer. Doing the latter will destroy your credibility and perhaps lose the audience for the remainder of the session. I think we've all seen this happen, either in person or perhaps on the evening news.

Public Speaking

I've been engaged in professional, paid public speaking as part of my career for more than three decades and have done so throughout North America, Australia, and the United Kingdom. My areas of emphasis have been focused on technology and, more recently the application of technology in genealogy and family history research. As noted in the opening paragraph above, it's always great when your public speaking assignments involve topics that you know well and are a true passion.

If you'd like to discuss further, please contact me at your convenience. Thank you!

Public Speaking
Dan Lynch
Connecticut U.S.A.  |
Dan Lynch
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