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Branding | Brand Management

Branding is an important, but often misundersood part of a corporate image. While you may not be a corporation, the same aspects of branding apply to all organizations, nonprofit and for-profit alike. What are the brand attributes that come to the mind of a customer or prospective customer when they hear or see your brand? What are the values that you'd like consumers to think and feel when they experience your brand? Is it meant to be playful or conservative, high-end or value-priced?


While the logo of your organization is often considered synonymous with your brand, the logo itself is just one very small, yet visible component. The colors, type face, imagery, signage, sound, tagline, and other things all combine to become part of your brand over time. Another important consideration is the consistency across all media and platforms you may use for your messaging — everything from apparel and clothing, business cards and letterhead, brochures and other print material, web site and social media presence. Above all else, you need to ensure consistency for your brand wherever it is you promote yourself.

I'd be pleased to have you contact me for an initial consultation.

Dan Lynch
Connecticut U.S.A.  |
Dan Lynch
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